

Lyu, Zhixuan ; Kiminami, Lily
出版情報: 新潟大学農学部研究報告 — 新潟大学農学部研究報告.  69  pp.1-6,  2017-02.  新潟大学農学部
概要: With its increasing engagement in global agriculture markets, food safety of agricultural products in China is becoming more and more important, which requires China to catch up urgently with international safety standards, as well as a global approach to secure food safety. Generally, consumer cooperative is considered to be one of the social organizations to rebuild consumer confidence in agro-food industry and government by strengthening the interaction among different stakeholders. Focusing on the issues of agro-food safety in China, the purposes of this paper are set as follows. Firstly it will clarify the agro-food system and food-safety governance structure in China. Secondly, it will research the development of Japanese consumer cooperative and its role in food safety management through two case studies. Finally, it will propose suggestions to the development of Chinese consumer cooperative based on the analytical results.<br />農産物市場のグローバル化に伴い、中国の農産物や食品の安全性の問題は益々重要になっている。このことは中国の農産物や食品の安全性を国際基準にキャッチアップする緊急性を示すと同時に国際的な食品安全性アプローチへの導入も求められている。一般的に、生協は異なる利害関係者の連携を強めることを通じて消費者と食品業者及び政府との信頼関係を新たに構築する社会的組織の一つと考えられている。\n 本論文は中国の食品安全問題を焦点に、中国の農産物及び食品安全管理体制を整理した上、日本の生協が食品安全管理に果たす役割を2つの事例を通して明らかにする。最後に、以上の分析結果を踏まえて中国における生活協同組合の可能性にも触れる。 続きを見る


高橋, 能彦 ; 韓, 東生 ; 小柳, 渉 ; 堀, 秀隆 ; 張, 永強 ; 張, 艶菊 ; 秦, 智偉 ; 春日, 健一
出版情報: 新潟大学農学部研究報告 — 新潟大学農学部研究報告.  65  pp.39-48,  2012-09.  新潟大学農学部
概要: 独立行政法人国際協力機構の事業に参画し、中国黒竜江省で畜産廃棄物の有効利用と農地生産性向上のために当該農地の土壌調査を実施した。調査地域である黒竜江省双城市順利村は年間降水量約500mm の半乾燥地であり、降雨の大半が6月~8月に集中する。 村内で乳牛約1300頭、豚1800頭を飼育しているが、畜糞等の農地への有効還元は少なく、大半は道路脇等に放置されている。村内中央部の水田地帯は排水性の悪い細粒グライ土壌であり、土壌pH(水)は平均8.2とアルカリ性が強く、交換性Ca とMg は我が国基準の10倍と多い。一方、可給態リン酸とK 含量は少なく、塩基バランスが偏っていた。丘陵地の畑土壌は地形的に塩基の溶脱・溶出が認められ、土壌pH も低く、Ca やMg 含量も水田土壌よりは低下していたが、我が国基準と比較すれば高いレベルであった。畑の主要作物であるトウモロコシの生育は、土壌pH やEC と一定の関係は認められず、土壌硬度が高いと生育が悪くなる傾向が認められた。土壌硬度はマクロ団粒が増加すると低下し、マクロ団粒の発達は有機物含量の増加と関係があった。堆肥等有機質資材の施用は土壌の物理性を向上させ、作物生産への効果が期待できた。<br />We participated in the project of Japan International Cooperation Agency. The candidate for investigation area is Shuangcheng Shi, Shunli Cun Region of China. In this project, survey and analysis of farmland soil was continued for productivity improvement of farmland, and the effective use of livestock excrement. The annual precipitation of the investigation area is 500 mm (semiarid region), most rain will fall between June and August. In the village, about 1,300 dairy cows and 1,800 pigs are bred. However, there is little application to farmland of stock raising excrement, such as compost, and most of cow dung is deposited on the road side. The paddy field zone of the village central part is fine granule gley soil, and its drainage is poor. Soil average pH (H_2O) was 8.2 (alkalinity). Moreover, soil exchegable Ca and Mg were excess as 10 times of the standard of Japan. On the other hand, there were few available phosphoric acid and K contents, and mineral balance was bad. The upland field soil of comparatively high hills had elution of minerals. Although soil pH was low and Ca and Mg content were decrease rather than paddy soil, however compared with the standard of Japan, it was a still high level. Growth of the corn which is a mainly cultivated crop in the upland fields and there were no correlation with the soil pH or EC. The physical property (hardness) of soil influenced growth of corn. Soil hardness became low when the rate of the soil macro aggregate increased. The soil macro aggregate increased by the application of the compost, and the soil physical property improved. As a conclusion, compost application to farmland especially to upland field improves crop productivity by soil physical property improvement. 続きを見る


土屋, 太祐 ; Tsuchiya, Taisuke
出版情報: 比較宗教思想研究.  19  pp.1-17,  2019-03.  新潟大学大学院現代社会文化研究科比較宗教思想研究プロジェクト


崔, 旭 ; Cui, Xu
出版情報: 現代社会文化研究 — THE JOURNAL OF THE STUDY OF MODERN SOCIETY AND CULTURE.  73  pp.81-98,  2021-11.  新潟大学大学院現代社会文化研究科 — Graduate School of Modern Society and Culture, NIIGATA University
概要: As part of the development of the economy, one child policy was carried out from 1978. It has had a profound impact on Chinese society. For example, it controlled the rapid population growth, opened the sex attitudes, and protected the environment as well as almost all kinds of conception methods were used generally. But the Chinese government started the three-child policy to alleviate the problem of the ageing population since 2021. It will have a bad influence on female workers and the protection of their work opportunities if the society does not support flexible child-rearing policies. Family makes the society stable. And the culture of having children is still the main trend in China. But condom prevalence remains low. And the number of AIDS patients and PLHA is still on the rise. It is essential to implement the comprehensive education in China. The LGBT group also needs to form families. It is hoped that the comprehensive sexuality education will increase social tolerance. 続きを見る


徐, 学斐
出版情報: 現代社会文化研究 — 現代社会文化研究.  66  pp.55-70,  2018-03.  新潟大学大学院現代社会文化研究科
概要: How could Nepal, a land-locked country sandwiched between two giant neighbours, India and China, preserve its existence and its right to national development in confronting pressure from both neighbours? On 30 January 1956, the then Prime Minister T. P Acharya expressed his determination to modify Nepal’s “special relationship” with India in the direction of “equal friendship” with all countries, thus introducing a new dimension to Kathmandu’s diversification policy. This paper will focus on this policy on a regional level during reign of King Mahendra (1955-1972). There are three main objectives of this study: (a) To use the term “equal friendship” to describe the regional policy towards India and China; (b) To reveal the historical process of the implementation of the policy; and (c) To redefine the contents and features of the “equal friendship” policy towards Nepal’s two neighbours. The paper begins with a brief history of the special relationship between Nepal and India before King Mahendra acceded to the throne. The second part of the paper is a discussion of the three periods of the implementation of the “equal friendship” policy towards India and China. The final part of the paper offers definitions of three aspects of the “equal friendship” policy in three patterns: (a) Maintaining balance in peacetime; (b) Using one party to restrain the other when Nepal felt pressured or threatened; (c) Taking a strict neutral stand in the event of regional conflicts. 続きを見る


呉, 起
出版情報: 現代社会文化研究 — 現代社会文化研究.  63  pp.1-18,  2016-12.  新潟大学大学院現代社会文化研究科
概要: This paper attempts to generalize the characteristics of Mitsui Bussan Kaisha's advance into China, focusing on the trad e of peanuts and peanut oil in Shandong Province. This study indicates that Mitsui Bussan Kaisha firstly entered into the market of peanuts and peanut oil in Shandong Province as a Japanese trading company before the Battle of Tsingtao broke out. During the first Japan-occupation period (1914–1922), Mitsui Bussan Kaisha had occupied an important market share in the trade of peanuts and peanut oil in Shandong Province, especially in the export of peanut oil to America. The reasons why Mitsui Bussan Kaisha established its position as mentioned above are as followings: Firstly,Mitsui Bussan Kaisha aimed at the global market, and paid great attention to the communication and connection with its branches. Secondly, Mitsui Bussan Kaisha always catered the business partner's requirements, and improved product quality. Finaly, Mitsui Bussan Kaisha actively collected information, and adapted its business policies to new or different conditions. In most cases, steady business policies were adopted by Mitsui Bussan Kaisha. 続きを見る


朴, 文杰
出版情報: 現代社会文化研究 — 現代社会文化研究.  25  pp.91-108,  2002-11.  新潟大学大学院現代社会文化研究科
概要: 进入21世纪中国面临的最大挑战,莫过于如何在加入WTO的背景下实现劳动力的充分就业。本文围绕着中国的劳动力市场改革的现状及其课题,尝试对有关就业和劳动力市场的一些基本理论与政策问题提出自己的见解并做出回答。本文从改革开放后中国劳动力市场的发 育萌芽阶段切入,借鉴以往的研究成果,对劳动力市场的发育给予了阶段性的划分,并结合当时的法律及政策进行了相应的评述。随后对现阶段中国政府实施的劳动政策进行了分析与评价,并对今后劳动力市场政策的走向进行了探讨。总之,本文拟对中国就业和劳动力市场发育的过去进行总结,并据此对今后的变化趋势做出适当的判断。 続きを見る


朴, 春琴
出版情報: 現代社会文化研究 — 現代社会文化研究.  24  pp.57-74,  2002-07.  新潟大学大学院現代社会文化研究科
概要: 韓国語


于, 進 ; 小林, 恵子 ; 成田, 太一 ; 八尾坂, 志保 ; 目黒, 優子 ; 小山, 諭
出版情報: 新潟大学保健学雑誌 — 新潟大学保健学雑誌.  16  pp.23-31,  2019-05.  新潟大学医学部保健学科
概要: 中国都市部に居住する高齢者の主観的健康感と,健康習慣及びソーシャル・キャピタル(以下SCと略す)との関連を明らかにすることを目的とした。老人活動センターを利用する65歳以上の高齢者を対象に無記名自記式質問紙調査を実施し,207人から回答を得 た。調査内容は基本属性,主観的健康感,生活満足度,健康習慣,SCであった。主観的健康感と健康習慣では,喫煙,運動,睡眠に有意差がみられた。主観的健康感とSCでは,「付き合い・交流指数」「信頼指数」「社会参加指数」のすべてにおいて「健康」群の平均値は有意に高かった。主観的健康感を従属変数とし,二項ロジスティック回帰分析を行った結果,健康習慣の「睡眠」とSCの「付き合い・交流指数」に有意な関連がみられた。高齢者の主観的健康感は客観的健康や生活満足度とも関連することから,適正な睡眠への支援や,社会参加および地域交流の促進が重要であることが示唆された。<br />Correlations among subjective health of elderly people living in urban areas of China, and their health habits, as well as social capital (SC), were investigated. An anonymous self-administered questionnaire was administered and 207 responses were collected. The questionnaire inquired basic attributes, subjective health, life satisfaction, Breslow's health habits, and SC. Results indicated significant differences in smoking, exercise, and sleep between subjective health and Breslow's health habits. Moreover, correlations between subjective health and SC indicated that the mean of the healthy group for association and interactions with people, trust, and social participation were significantly high. Binary logistic regression analysis was conducted with subjective health as a dependent variable, which indicated significant correlations between sleep as a health habit and association and interactions in SC. These results suggest that facilitating sufficient sleep, and social participation, as well as local interactions, are important for improving the subjective health of elderly people that related to objective health and life satisfaction. 続きを見る


李, 哲 ; Li, Zhe
出版情報: 現代社会文化研究 — THE JOURNAL OF THE STUDY OF MODERN SOCIETY AND CULTURE.  77  pp.151-162,  2023-11.  新潟大学大学院現代社会文化研究科 — Graduate School of Modern Society and Culture, NIIGATA University
概要: In this study, I used a multi-attribute attitude model to determine what kind of brand information may help boost the competitiveness of Japanese sake exports to China. The results of a survey I conducted in China revealed that the top three attributes of sake brands most valued by Chinese consumers are 'history', 'raw materials', and 'craftsmanship'. The respondents were then asked to rate four different types of sake brands. The results of the study enabled us to develop a strategy to boost the competitiveness of Japanese sake brands' exports to China. 続きを見る