

Ernest R. Hilgard, Gordon H. Bower
出版情報: Tokyo : Overseas Publication Ltd. (Kaigai Shuppan Boeki) , New York : Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1967
シリーズ名: The Century psychology series
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edited by John R. Anderson and Stephen M. Kosslyn
出版情報: San Francisco : W.H. Freeman, c1984
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目次情報: 続きを見る
ch. 1. Learning and memory in infants Gary M. Olson
ch. 2. Acquiring expertise Alan M. Lesgold
ch. 3. Spreading activation John R. Anderson
ch. 4. Mental representation Stephen M. Kosslyn
ch. 5. Effect of memory set in reaction time Arnold L. Glass
ch. 6. Facets of human intelligence Robert J. Sternberg
ch. 7. Applications of schema theory in cognitive research Perry W. Thorndyke
ch. 8. Mental models in problem solving Keith J. Holyoak
ch. 9. Planning and control of motor movements David A. Rosenbaum
ch. 10. Understanding and remembering stories John B. Black
ch. 1. Learning and memory in infants Gary M. Olson
ch. 2. Acquiring expertise Alan M. Lesgold
ch. 3. Spreading activation John R. Anderson