論文(リポジトリ) |
周, 宜興
One of the major sources of projections to the lateral posterior (LP) complex of the thalamus is the lateral suprasylvia
n cortex (LS). However, little is known about its postnatal development. In the present study, the maturation of terminal arbors of corticothalamic axons from LS to the LP complex was studied in kittens from at birth to 35 postnatal days and in adult as well using the anterograde tracer biocytin and retrograde tracer wheat germ agglutinin-conjugated horseradish peroxidase (WGA-HRP). In adult cats, corticothalamic projections from the medial bank of LS terminated mainly in lateral and medial divisions of the LP (LPl/LPm) whereas those from the lateral bank were found largely in LPm, the nucleus lateralis medialis (LM) and the suprageniculate nucleus (SG). Within these regions, two principal types of corticothalamic fibers were present. The first, the most frequently encountered type of axon (type 1), established a network of fine fibers that terminated throughout the LP complex. Type 1 fibers were characterized by a linear sequence of small, single terminal boutons which made contact mainly with thin dendrites and/or dendritic spines. The second type of axon seen in this material is far less common than the first and it will be referred to as a beaded axon. The other (type 2), was rather less common than the type 1 axon, gave off short, side branches near the axon terminus which formed clusters of 5~10 terminal boutons; these made contact predominately with medium-sized dendrites and/or vesicle-containing profiles. At birth (P-0), biocytin-labeled fibers were found in the same nuclei as in the adult. Neonatal fibers were largely unbranched and many had axons tipped with growth cones. No type 2 terminals were observed. It was not until P14, that axons having morphological characteristics of the adult type 2 fibers could be detected. These findings demonstrate that significant postnatal changes occur in the synaptology of corticothalamic fibers in the LP complex, particularly with the maturation of type 2 fibers.
論文(リポジトリ) |
星野, 嘉恵子 ; 周, 宜興 ; 車田, 正男
The lateral posterior complex (LP) of the thalamus receives a variety of different inputs from cortical and subcortical
areas. We have previously demonstrated four types of vesicle containing profiles in this complex, and have identified GABA-ergic terminals. In this study, we examined the features by the light and electron microscopy of the immunoreactivity with antibodies raised against aspartate (Asp), glutamate (Glu), GABA, choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) and substance P (SP) in the LP complex. The following observations were found:(1) Asp and Glu;immunolabeled neurons were medium sized. Immunolabeled terminals were medium sized containing round vesicles and making asymmetrical synaptic contacts with dendritic profiles. (2) GABA;immunolabeled neurons were small. Immunolabeled terminals were small, contained pleomorphic synaptic vesicles and forming symmetrical synaptic contacts with dendritic profiles. (3) ChAT;no ChAT immunolabeled neurons were found. Immunolabeled terminals were small, and contained round vesicles making en passant, symmetrical and asymmetrical synaptic contacts with dendritic profiles. (4) SP;immunolabeled neurons were medium sized. Immunolabeled terminals were small containing round vesicles, and asymmetrical synaptic contacts with dendritic profile.