

土屋, 千尋 ; 山口, 博 ; 櫛谷, 圭司 ; 眞水, 康樹 ; 内藤, 俊彦 ; 藤井, 隆至 ; 濱口, 哲 ; 松田, 由美子 ; 和田, 悦子 ; 足立, 祐子 ; 会田, 久子
出版情報: 大学教育研究年報 — 大学教育研究年報.  3  pp.101-119,  1997-06.  新潟大学大学教育開発研究センター
概要: The lectures on Nihon-jijoo for foreign students of Niigata university are divided into the following three fields: 1. Humanities, 2. Social sciences and 3. Natural sciences. The purposes of each field are shown below. 1. Humanities: to understand non-native cultures and to improve the ability to communicate with the people living in the Japanese society 2. Social sciences: to acquire basic knowledge for studying social sciences and to deepen the understandings on Japanese society 3. Natural sciences: to survey the natural environment of Japan and to learn the usage of technical terms. In this academic year, 1996, a new attempt on Nihon-jijoo education was carried out the 31 members from all faculties participated in the Nihon-jijoo lectures. At the end of this academic year, the authors carried out (1) a survey of all the lectures, and (2) a questionnaire for lecturers and students. Based on these, the authors made some proposals for improvement of Nihon-jijoo education. 続きを見る


吉村, 尚久 ; 小林, 昌二 ; 長谷川, 彰 ; 竹内, 照雄 ; 檀上, 篤徳 ; 山崎, 一生 ; 苅部, 恒徳 ; 橋本, 修 ; 土屋, 千尋
出版情報: 大学教育研究年報 — 大学教育研究年報.  2  pp.171-202,  1996-03.  新潟大学大学教育開発研究センター
概要: A questionnaire for improving class quality was conducted over all subjects of general education in the first term of this school year, following the trial of class evaluation questionnaire conducted at the end of the last school year. Items of the questionnaire were adjusted to different class styles; lecture, exercise, experiment, practice and training. But three common points encompassed by the questionnaire are (1)difficulty in achievement in class, (2)students' consciousness and attitude toward learning, and (3)students' rating of teaching. Many students pointed out that lack of basic related knowledge is the reason for difficulty in achievement in class. The most serious problem for them is deficiency in reviewing and preparing for a lesson. More than 60% of students have no study hours at home for a regular lecture class. This fact demonstrates the shortcoming of the credit system. 続きを見る


吉村, 尚久 ; 小林, 昌二 ; 長谷川, 彰 ; 竹内, 照雄 ; 檀上, 篤徳 ; 山崎, 一生 ; 苅部, 恒徳 ; 橋本, 修
出版情報: 大学教育研究年報 — 大学教育研究年報.  2  pp.203-217,  1996-03.  新潟大学大学教育開発研究センター
概要: The questionnaire was carried out to obtain the opinions of the teaching staff about the students' attitude toward and degree of understanding in class, and about the improvement of education. At the same time, a class evaluation taking students' opinions into account was conducted at the end of the first term in this school year. This report gave a brief summary of the findings and made some comments. Many of the staff pointed out that the necessary measures for effective good education were (1)reducing class size, (2)having students interact more with one another, (3)showing enthusiasm and making more effort in teaching, generally. The problem in teaching within general education is how to cope with a wide variety of students. 続きを見る