

盧, 守助
出版情報: 現代社会文化研究 — 現代社会文化研究.  33  pp.155-172,  2005-07.  新潟大学大学院現代社会文化研究科
概要: 近代中国,由于西方的冲击,传统社会被破坏。如何使中国免遭西方侵略,走向富强,成为许多思想家共同关心的课题。这一时期,梁启超是最具代表性的人物。新民学说的提出。标志着梁启超的思想重点,已经从原来的改良主义向具有近代思想意义的国民的塑造转化,也 代表了他一生中政治思想的最高峰。本文以梁启超的新民思想为研究对象,对新民思想的形成和发展以及内在的逻辑结构进行了探讨和分析。通过论证,本文得出这样的结论:文明观是新民思想的立论基础,独立精神是新民思想的出发点。其理论归结则是公德论,目的是通过改造国民,建设一个国家主义的新中国。新民思想是在特殊的历史背景下产生的,明治时期的文化是新民思想得以产生和发展的思想土壤。 続きを見る


Buyanlham, Tumurjav
出版情報: pp.1-224,  2007-09-20.  新潟大学大学院現代社会文化研究科
概要: This thesis is a historical analysis of the development of Foreign Relations of the Mongolian People’s Republic (Mongoli a) in the 1st half of the 20th century. The main focus of the research is the struggle of this small nation, sandwiched between two giant neighbors, for its independence, which had been at stake several times in early 20th century. Prior to discussing independence movements in Mongolia, the research analyzed how Mongolia became a subject of another state, the Qing dynasty and what the Qing rule brought to Mongolia. The world situation, in particular internal disorder in China greatly facilitated Mongolia to announce its independence to the world in 1911, which unfortunately was not recognized in the international arena at that time. Although the victory of 1921 People’s Revolution brought better chances for Mongolia to have its independence recognized, it was far too early and difficult to get Russia and China’s recognitions as both of these countries had their special interests in this part of the region. Further the research discusses how nationalism was viewed in Mongolia and what consequences it brought to the people of Mongolia and Buryat Autonomous Republic of Russia, Comintern’s role in Mongolia, Halkhiin gol war or Nomonhan conflict, and consequences of secret provisions of the Yalta conference. Mongolia was finally given a great opportunity to get formally recognized by its two neighbors, the Soviet Union and China, as a result of a provision of Yalta conference concerning Mongolia.<br />新大院博(学)甲第56号 続きを見る